Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shopping Day(s)

I threw this on for a shopping trip out with Sarah. I was quite proud of myself! I love how it came together!

I believe it's the details in this outfit that make me happy! First off is the teensy bit of lace from my camisole peeking out of the grey sweater (that is a staple, as you'll come to find). The scarf that I copied from a blog that I don't remember is knotted every couple of inches so it's not so bulky around my neck. The ring was a gift from my cowboy for my birthday! I totally lucked out shopping with Lori and found it at Angora, a vintage-ish shop in Athens, GA. It's covered in black and charcoal colored rhinestones. These boots? Oh those boots! I simply adore them! Lori bought them for me that same day in Athens. They're the perfect mix of rugged, biker chic, and feminity! To top this all off, the burst of bright red fingernails and lips!

Howdy Cowboy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. LOVE your blog. Absolutely. You're fabulous and this outfit reflects just that. Have a good Monday.

Mrs. Sergeant