Friday, February 5, 2010

Tonight is the NITE

I have never before fallen in love with a magazine spread like I have this one. I absolutely love every single aspect about it. I think because when I dream of myself, this is what I see. If I were to become that rock star wife I've been chasing, I would look like this on all my days off and all my days on.

Tonight is the NITE that I will wear jeans and a tshirt, together, for the very first time. I know, I know, no big deal right? If only it were so! My # 2 fashion rule: NO JEANS AND TSHIRTS IN PUBLIC. It just looks wrong on me. But maybe that is because my Grammy never ever would have dared allow me to leave the house on to leave the house for a 'nite out' wearing such uncomely attire. But you know what? This? This is pretty. And I love it.

I'm so nervous.

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