Monday, January 11, 2010

Apothic Red

Okay, I'm not even going to lie. I totally bought this wine because the second I looked at it and the moment I finished reading the description (which follows exactly as it reads on the label, capitalization included), I totally thought of Twilight. Hello Mr. Gorgeous Cullen Boy! Anyway, enough embarrassing facts about my secret fantasy life. (ick, right!?)

"Inspired by the "Apotheca" a mysterious place where wine was blended and stored in 13th century Europe, Apothic Red offers a truly unique wine experience. A masterful blend of FLAVORFUL SYRAH, RICH ZINFANDEL, and SMOOTH MERLOT creating layers of dark red fruit complemented by hints of vanilla and mocha."

Btw, this wine is amazing. Although it is FAR from my favorite dry and smoke-y varietals. This wine, tastes ridiculously like vanilla. For realsies. Even A**** could tell. He said 'strawberries' over and over again after he tasted it!


TFQStudio said...

Hmm, seems like me and you need to try this wine out in my new red wine glasses I bought!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Ohhhh I have to hunt this down!!

christina said...


Robby said...

so. I want to try this.

Ess said...

The Gorgeous Cullen boy fantasy is still okay. But I think the Sexy Werewolf boy is a dream - which makes me a cougar. or a pedophile. hmm.....ick ick ick